
The Pike/Petersburg loan administrator & board are responsible for the implementation and administration of the Revolving Loan Fund. They are responsible for developing, completing, coordinating and servicing the loans generated by the RLF.  The primary goal of the Revolving Loan Fund is to increase local job opportunities and expand the tax base. This goal is expected to be met by providing gap financing of up to 30% of the necessary financing needed and by structuring loan repayment to meet the needs of both the borrower and the primary lender.

Member List

  • The Pike County Loan Administration Board shall consist of seven (7) members
  • The Mayor of the City of Petersburg shall appoint two (2) members to the Board.
  • The County Commissioners of Pike County, Indiana, shall appoint three (3) members to the Board.
  • The Petersburg City Council shall appoint (2) members to the Board.

The board shall be composed of at least two (2) members with financial or lending experience & one (1) member with knowledge of and reasonable experience with retail or commercial business. 

Application Information

Revolving Loan Fund Preliminary Application

Revolving Loan Fund Application

Revolving Loan Fund Plan